NE of Frederick MD-10-01 |
Buildings |
NE of Friendsville MD-11-01 |
NE of Friendsville MD-11-02 |
NE of Friendsville MD-11-03 |
W. of Hancock MD-21-01 |
SW of La Vale MD-01-01 |
in Olney MD-15-01 |
Churches |
S. of Easton MD-20-01 |
Houses |
E. of Bowie MD-16-02 |
NW of Darlington MD-12-01 |
S. of North East MD-07-01 |
NW of St. Michaels MD-20-03 |
S. of Tighman MD-20-04 |
Turrets |
in Hagerstown MD-21-02 |