(Cottrell, 1909, 100' x 80', KS-59-02 - Gone - Razed 1997) ESE of Blue Rapids, Wells Township, Marshall County, KS. KS9 E. 3.8 miles from jct with US77 just E. of Blue Rapids, S. on 13th Terrace 1.8 miles, W. on private lane 0.7 miles to the barn. [Largest barn in state; Capacity 300 head cattle, 500 tons hay, 10,000 bu. grain. Cost $5,000.00.] (N39 39.437 W96 34.752) Top 2 photos by Jerry Freeze.
The back side of the postcard. Penny postcard!!! [Dear Friend. This is some of the seans in Kan. What do you think of it? I haven’t seen a great many chickens here and they haven’t very much to feed them if they had them for every thing is burned around here. Mrs. Geo B???lard.]
Photos 3 & 4 by Ron Smith 3-13-06. Of an aerial photo of the farm taken in or around 1948. Caption on the back of the photo: “Presented to C.W. McCampbell by Mr. Cottrell on Sept. 30, 1948. Taken from an airplane.”
Bottom 2 photos: photographer unknown, submitted by Beth Skinner, grand-niece of Fred Cottrell. The construction photo taken spring or early summer 1909 & is from a postcard. The guy in the buggy is an unidentified visitor. Fred Cottrell in overalls is coming to greet him.
Photo probably 1920s.