Alturas Murals

(Sandhill Cranes)
NW corner Modoc & Main Sts.
(N41 28.978 W120 32.560)
W. side Main St. 130’ S. of 2nd St. at 115.
(N41 29.071 W120 32.564)
W. side Main St. 0.1 miles S. of 8th St. at 605.
(N41 29.368 W120 32.571)
(Bull Rider)
NE corner 1st & Main Sts.
(N41 29.052 W120 32.537)
E. side Main St. ½ block N. of 3rd St. at 324.
(N41 29.202 W120 32.539)
(Cattle Drive)
SE corner 2nd St. Main Sts.
(N41 29.090 W120 32.529)
(Car & Truck)
W. side Main St. 120’ S. of 3rd St. at 245.
(N41 29.151 W120 32.561)
SW corner 3rd & Main Sts.
(N41 29.166 W120 32.571)
(Shepherd w/Sheep)
NW corner of 4th & Warner Sts.
(N41 29.254 W120 33.551)
(Alturas Murals) in Alturas, Modoc County, CA. Photos by Carrie Schoenheide, submitted by Howard Hatschek.