Blairsville Murals

(Trees & Sun)
NE corner Wellborn & Young Harris Sts. then E. 100 yds 200’ to Ambry’s Attic.
(N34 52.621 W83 57.453)
N. side Wellborn St. 100’ E. of Town Sq.
(N34 52.584 W83 57.472)
NE corner Wellborn & Young Harris Sts. then E. to The Gathering Space.
(N34 52.598 W83 57.467)
(The Mountains)
E. side City Hall Back Access 80’ N. of Blue Ridge St.
(N34 52.555 W83 57.570)
N. side Blue Ridge St. 60’ W. of Merchants Walk on rear of bldg.
(N34 52.536 W83 57.620)
(Blairsville Murals) in Blairsville, Union County, GA. Photos by Mark Comstock 7-23-23.