(Church) SW corner Broadway & Middle St. (N37 18.377 W89 31.440) 2-1-06 |
(Heritage of Music) on Shivelbines Music SE corner Broadway & Frederick St. (N37 18.385 W89 31.508) 2-1-06 |
(News) on Southeast Missourian SW corner Broadway & Lorimier St. (N37 18.361 W89 31.255) 2-1-06 |
(Then Till Now) on the floodwall E. of Water St. (N37 18.39 W89 31.06) 2-1-06 |
(The Artists) on the floodwall E. of Water St. (N37 18.155 W89 31.080) 2-1-06 |
(Coca-Cola) on Port Cape Girardeau Restaurant & Lounge SW corner Themis & Water Sts. (N37 18.282 W89 31.081) 2-1-06 |
(Rufus Mudsuckers) NE corner Independence & Main Sts. (N37 18.207 W89 31.106) 2-1-06 |
(Welcome) on River side of floodwall between Broadway & Themis Sts. (N37 18.317 W89 31.052) 3-1-06 |
(Riverfest) E. side Spanish St. ½ block S. of Broadway. (N37 18.328 W89 31.128) 3-1-06 |
(Cape Girardeau) on Mollies Cafe and Bar SW corner Independence & Spanish Sts. (N37 18.194 W89 31.188) 3-1-06 |
(Bella Italia) on Bella Italia Ristorante at 11 Spanish St. (N37 18.249 W89 31.163) 3-1-06 |
(In City Hall) inside City Hall SW corner Independence & Fountain Sts. (N37 18.21 W89 31.38) 3-1-06 |
(St. Avit) SE corner Independence & Spanish Sts. (N37 18.203 W89 31.170) 3-1-06 |
(History of Medicine) in Southeast Hospital S. side Lacey St. W. of Sunset Blvd. (N37 18.66 W89 32.47) 3-1-06 |
(Kent Library) inside Kent Library S. side Normal Av. 0.1 miles E. of Henderson Av. (N37 18.680 W89 31.873) 3-1-06 |
(Dement) on the floodwall between Merriwether & William Sts. (N37 18.054 W89 31.104) 3-1-06 |
(Herigage of Music) SE corner of Broadway & Frederick Sts. (N37 18.382 W89 31.505) 11-5-20 |
(Mercury) NE corner of Broadway & Frederick Sts. (N37 18.401 W89 31.499) 11-5-20 |
(You Are My Sunshine) NW corner of Broadway & Frederick Sts. (N37 18.387 W89 31.521) 11-5-20 |
(Cape Girardeau Murals) in Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau County, MO. Photos by Jack & June Schmidt. |