Chickasha Murals

(Stampede #1)
E. side of 1st National Bank & Trust on Grand Av.
(N35 01.789 W97 56.397)
(Stampede #2)
W. side of 1st National Bank & Trust on Grand Av.
(N35 01.789 W97 56.411)
S. side of Iowa Av. 1.1 miles W. of US81.
(N35 02.841 W97 57.430)
S. side of US62/81 0.1 miles W. of US81.
(N35 03.136 W97 56.321)
S. side of US62/81 ¾ block W. of US81.
(N35 03.124 W97 56.276)
(Chickasha Murals) in Chickasha, Grady County, OK. Photos by Jack & June Schmidt 6-10-09.