Springfield Murals

(McKenzie River)
E. side Pioneer Pkwy ½ block N. of Main St.
(N44 02.799 W123 01.310)
NE corner Main & 6th Sts.
(N44 02.779 W123 01.092)
(Oregon Trail)
E. side bldg NE corner Main & 5th Sts.
(N44 02.785 W123 01.157)
(American Pride)
NE corner Main St. & Pioneer Pkwy.
(N44 02.780 W123 01.301)
(Jesse Bostelle Memorial)
NW corner Main & 5th Sts.
(N44 02.784 W123 01.181)
(Springfield 125th Anniversary)
SE corner Main & 7th Sts.
(N44 02.761 W123 01.006)
(Express Yourself)
SE corner Main & 6th Sts.
(N44 02.757 W123 01.093)
SW corner Main & 6th Sts.
(N44 02.757 W123 01.106)
Above 8 pix taken 8-15-11.
(Art Space Front & Rear)
NW corner A & 6th Sts.
(N44 02.744 W123 01.106)
(Art Space S. Side)
NW corner A & 6th Sts.
(N44 02.742 W123 01.115)
(Art Space Alley Side)
NW corner A & 6th Sts.
(N44 02.747 W123 01.115)
(More Art)
N. side A St. ½ block W. of 6th St.
(N44 02.744 W123 01.133)
(Ken Kesey)
NW corner Main & 4th Sts.
(N44 02.781 W123 01.255)
NE corner Main & 5th Sts.
(N44 02.785 W123 01.167)
(Art #1)
E. side 5th St. ½ block N. of Main St.
(N44 02.796 W123 01.163)
(Art #2)
S. side Main St. ½ block E. of 6th St.
(N44 02.766 W123 01.060)
Above 8 pix taken 7-30-18.
(Springfield Murals) in Springfield, Lane County, OR. Photos by Howard Hatschek.