Missouri Covered Bridges List
– Feb 28, 2025
Number County Name Water Spans Length Built Truss GPS Description
25-05-(A Barry Putnam dry land N/A 24' 1982 Post supported roof N36 43.349 W93 36.631 W. of Cape Fair (Stone County), Mountain Township. MO76 W. 6.7 miles from jct with MO173 on the N. side of Cape Fair to the bridge on the E. side of the road at 34433.
25-06-a Barton City Park ditch 1 ~25'   Stringer N37 29.055 W94 16.907 In City Park in Lamar. Gulf St. S. 0.65 miles from jct with US160 (12th St.), W. into park 0.2 miles to the bridge to the NW (where the road turns S.).
25-10-A Boone Jeff Smith Little Bonne Femme Creek 1 c50' 2000 Stringer N38 52.030 W92 20.881 S. of Columbia, Cedar Township. MO163 (Providence Rd.) S. 3.3 miles from jct with MO740 (Stadium Blvd) in Columbia, continue S. (curves SW) on Providence Rd. (SR K) 1.3 miles, S. (left) on Hill Creek Rd. 0.6 miles to the bridge on the E. side of the road. On very private property behind electronic gates.
25-10-(a   Mizzou MO163 1 190' 2002 Concrete & steel N38 56.184 W92 20.136 In Columbia. MO740 (Stadium Blvd) W. 2.2 miles from jct with US63 on the SE corner of Columbia, S. on MO163 (Providence Rd.) 0.1 miles to the bridge above. Pedestrian bridge from Dan Devine Pavilion to football stadium.
25-14-a Callaway Hensley Park Stinson Creek 1 75' x 20' 2000 Stringer N38 50.596 W91 56.943 In Hensley Park in Fulton. 2nd St. W. 0.1 miles (2 blocks) from jct with US54B in Fulton, S. into the park. Park & walk 100 yds S. to the bridge.
25-16-01 Cape Girardeau Bollinger Mill or Burfordville Whitewater River 1 140' 1858 Howe N37 22.102 W89 48.143 In Burfordville. At the E. end of town in a park. Built by Joseph Lansmon. Closed to motor traffic. Restored in 1998.
25-16-a   South County Park pond inlet 1 49'   Concrete stringer N37 20.473 W89 35.500 In South County Park NW of Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau, Township. US61 (Kingshighway St.) SE 0.8 miles from jct with I55 exit 99 NW of Cape Girardeau to the park on the W. side of the road.
25-22-A Christian   swale 4 56' 1977 Stringer N36 59.134 W93 13.256 SSW of Ozark, East Finley Township. Selmore Rd. S. 1.5 miles from jct with Bus.US62/MO14/SR F on the S. side of Ozarks, SE on Covered Bridge Rd. 0.15 miles to the bridge. Built by Bob Smith.
25-25-a Clinton Lathrop Antique Show ditch 1 ~40'   Stringer GONE Lathrop Antique Show grounds S. of Lathrop, Lathrop Township. MO33 S. 0.35 miles from jct with South St. on the S. side of Lathrop to the bridge on the W. side of the road. (N39 32.254 W94 19.805)
25-26-A Cole Braun ditch 1 25' 1995 Stringer concrete deck N38 36.59 W92 22.03 W. of Saint Martins, Marion Township. US50 W. 2.9 miles from jct with Lomo Dr. on the E. side of Saint Martins to the bridge on the S. side of the road at 9001.
25-26-b   County Park pond inlet 1 ~30'   Stringer N38 33.611 W92 16.090 In County Park SW of Jefferson City, Jefferson Township. Country Club Dr. S. 1.05 miles from jct with US50 on the W. side of Jefferson City, continue S. on Fairgrounds Rd. 0.55 miles, E. (curves S.) on County Park Rd. 0.5 miles to a parking lot on the W. side of the road. Park & walk W. 100' then S. on County Park Trail 160 yds to the bridge.
25-28-A Crawford Pilkenton Residential Grounds Fern Holler Creek 1 24' 1996 Stringer N38 04.865 W91 28.309 NW of Cuba, Knobview Township. I44 W. 4.9 miles from jct with MO19 exit 208 in Cuba, N. on Hwy F (I44 exit 203) 2.4 miles, E. on Melody Ln. 0.7 miles, N. on gravel Pilkenton Ln. 0.2 miles to the bridge on the E. side of the road at 81. Built by Larry Pilkenton.
25-36-a Franklin Camp Trinity pond 1 12' 2000 Stringer N38 34.184 W91 14.717 In Camp Trinity SSW of New Haven, Boeuf Township. SR C S. 2.0 miles from jct with MO100 in New Haven, W. on Gerding School Rd. 1.0 miles, S. on Boeuf Lutheran Rd. 0.2 miles (3277 Boeuf Lutheran Rd.), W. on Castleford Rd. 0.1 miles, take right fork 0.1 miles, take left fork to Camp Trinity and the bridge.
25-38-a Gentry Tri-County Museum ditch 1 35'   Stringer N40 03.479 W94 31.215 At Tri County Museum in King City. Grand Av. N. 0.3 miles from jct with Empire Av. to the museum on the E. side of the road at 508. Bridge is 100 yds to the E.
25-39-A Greene Primatara ditch 1 ~30'       At Primatara Thoroughbred Farm N. of Springfield, North Campbell No. 1 Township. Probably very private. (N37 16.110 W93 13.646)
25-39-(A   Somerset Place dry land N/A 26' 2004 N/A N37 06.811 W93 13.656 At the entrance to Somerset Place SE of Springfield, Clay Township. US60 E. 1.0 miles from jct with US65 on the SE side of Springfield, S. (curves W.) on Highland Springs Blvd 0.4 miles, continue W. on Kingswood Dr. 0.4 miles, S. on Farm Road 181 0.1 miles to the bridge on the W. side of the road.
25-39-(B   Woodbridge Estates dry land N/A 30' 1997 N/A --GONE-- N37 16.603 W93 22.806 NW of Springfield, Murray Township. US160 NW 2.6 miles from jct with I44 exit 75 on the NW side of Springfield, N. on Farm Road 115 0.4 miles, E. on Farm Road 94 0.2 miles to the bridge on the N. side of the road.
25-46-a Howell Galloway Creek Galloway Creek 1 50' 2006 Stringer N36 45.658 W91 52.126 At Galloway Creek Nature Park N. of West Plains, Howell Township. Gridley St. E. 0.25 miles from jct with US62B on the N. side of West Plains, N. on CR1770 0.6 miles to the park on the W. side of the road. Bridge is 100 yds to the SW.
25-48-A #2 Jackson Woodbridge tributary Big Blue River 1 73' 1973 Stringer N38 53.458 W94 35.256 In Kansas City, Kaw Township. Holmes Rd. S. 3.4 miles from jct with I435 exit 74, W. on Woodbridge Ln. 0.1 miles to the bridge.
25-48-b   Old Chisum creek 3 40' x 8' 2008 Gone Stringer UNK S. of Oak Grove. Actual location unknown & cannot be seen from any public road. Very private. Built by Jeff Ranville.
25-50-01 Jefferson Sandy Creek or LeMay Sandy Creek 1 74' 1872 Howe N38 17.640 W90 31.599 In Goldman, Central Township. MO21 N. 4.9 miles from Hillsboro, E. on Goldman Spur Rd. 0.4 miles (to T), S. on Old LeMay Ferry Rd. 0.3 miles to the bridge in a park. Closed to motor traffic. Renovated 2013.
25-50-A   Cowee McMullen Branch 1 16' 1996 concrete on I beam N38 06.042 W90 31.746 SE of DeSoto, Valle Township. SR V SE 2.0 miles from jct with SR E just S. of DeSoto, E. on Mt. Olive Rd. 0.15 miles to the bridge on the S. side of the road at 13315.
25-50-b   Hawkins stream 1 15' 1965 Stringer MOVED Moved off the stream back into the yard in 2008. Now 25-50-(a. Was (N38 13.147 W90 23.827)
25-50-c   Knotting Hills pond 1 12'   Stringer N38 17.981 W90 24.617 N. of Pevely, Joachim Township. SR Z W. 0.25 miles from jct with I55 on the NW side of Pevely, N. on Metropolitan Blvd 1.0 miles, W. on Moloney Dr. 0.2 miles, S. on gravel driveway about 0.1 miles to the bridal house. Park & walk the path to the bridge.
25-50-(a   Hawkins dry land N/A 15' 1965 N/A N38 13.148 W90 23.842 In Festus. Bailey Rd. (becomes Main St.) W. (curves S.) 0.7 miles from jct with US61 on the E. side of Festus to the bridge on the W. side of the road at 613.
25-53-A Laclede E.D. Rush Dry Auglaize Creek 1 50' 1980 Howe N37 41.059 W92 39.092 In Lebanon. Millcreek Rd. (Bus.I44) W. 0.6 miles from jct with I44 exit 130 in Lebanon, continue W. on Millcreek Rd. (where Bus.I44 curves SW) 0.2 miles to the bridge on the N. side of the road. Private.
25-53-b   David Donnelly wet weather area 5 40' 1999 Stringer N37 40.66 W92 39.33 In Cowan Civic Center in Palmer Park in Lebanon. MO5/32 (Jefferson Av.) NW 0.6 miles from jct with I44 exit 129 in Lebanon, NE (right) on Bus.I44 (Elm St.) 0.2 miles (2 blocks), SE (right) on Washington Av. 200' to the bridge on the S. side of the road. Built by True Construction.
25-53-c   Mothers Garden creek 1 15' 2002 Stringer N37 40.32 W92 39.20 In Mother's Garden Park in Lebanon. MO5/32 (Jefferson St.) NW 0.25 miles from jct with I44 exit 29 in Lebanon, SW on Beverly Dr. 150' to the bridge on the NW side of the road. Built by Stave Mill.
25-58-01 Linn Locust Creek Locust Creek 1 151' 1868 Howe N39 47.532 W93 14.045 In Pershing State Park SW of Laclede, Jefferson Township. US36 W. 1.9 miles from jct with MO5 (Grove St.) just S. of Laclede, S. on MO130 1.45 miles, W. on Ellen Rd. 0.4 miles, bridge is just to the W. Moved here 1-29-2025. [Original location: E. of Meadville, Jefferson. US36 E. 2.8 miles from jct with MO139 just S. of Meadville, N. on Danube Dr. 1.0 miles, E. on Dart Rd. 0.5 miles. Park & walk E. about 400 yds to the bridge. Closed to motor traffic. Restored in 2002. N39 47.532 W93 14.045]
25-69-01 Monroe Elk Fork Salt River Mexico Road   141' 1859 Burr --GONE-- N39 25.80 W91 59.02 S. of Paris, Jackson Township. MO154 E. 0.7 miles from jct with MO15 S. of Paris, S. on CR709 2.5 miles to the bridge. Restored in June 1952. In August 1958 the bridge was swept away by flood waters. Remains of the bridge exist downstream along the banks of the river.
25-69-02   Union Elk Fork Salt River 1 125' x 17' 1871 Burr N39 25.973 W92 06.154 SW Paris, Jackson Township. US24 W. 6.0 miles from jct with MO15 on the N. side of Paris, S. on CR C 3.4 miles, W. on SR C Spur 0.3 miles to the bridge on the S. side of the road. Built by Joseph C. Elliott. Closed to motor traffic.
25-71-a Morgan Legion ditch 3 32'   Stringer N38 26.640 W92 59.721 In American Legion Memorial Park in Stover. 4th St. W. 0.3 miles from jct with Hickory St., N. on Legion Dr. 0.1 miles to the bridge on the W. side of the road.
25-73-a Newton Jolly Mill stream 1 26' 1992 Stringer N36 53.82 W94 04.29 In Jolly Mill Park SW of Pierce City (Lawrence County) Berwick Township. MO97 S. 2.1 miles from jct with MO37 (Commercial St.) in Pierce City, W. on US60 4.0 miles, S. on Wallaby Rd. 1.7 miles, E. on Jolly Mill Dr. 0.7 miles to the park on the N. side of the road. Built by Jim Chatman.
25-73-B     tributary Willow Branch 1 ~20'   Stringer   N. of Racine, Dayton Township. (N36 54.863 W94 31.765)
25-74-(a Nodaway Northwest Missouri State University abandoned RR bed 1 95'   Concrete & Steel Stringer N40 21.317 W94 53.144 At NW Missouri Univ in Maryville. 9th St. W. 0.5 miles from jct with Main St., N. on University Dr. 0.1 miles, W. on Centennial Dr. 0.15 miles to the bridge on the S. side of the road.
25-79-A Perry Mill Race Silver Lake Spillway 1 24' 2000 Stringer N37 41.220 W89 59.003 NE of Silver Lake, St. Marys Township. SR T NE 0.4 miles from jct with CR710 (SR CC) in Silver Lake to the bridge on the E. side of the road.
25-80-01 Pettis Sedalia Water Works 1     Gone GONE S. of Sedalia, Sedalia Township. Burned 5-29-66.
25-80-a   Centennial Park stream 1 54' 2004 Howe N38 41.731 W93 12.611 In Centennial Park in Sedalia. US50 E. 2.3 miles from jct with US65, S. on New York Av. 0.1 miles to the park & bridge on the W. side of the road. 1/3 replica of 25-80-01.
25-81-a Phelps Lions Club Park pond 3 50'   Stringer N37 55.617 W91 46.520 In Lions Park in Rolla. US63 S. 1.35 miles from jct with KingsHighway, E. into park 100 yds, left 120', right 0.15 miles, park on left, walk S. 110 yds to the bridge.
25-82-a Pike John Bruere stream 3 c55'   Stringer N39 16.594 W90 59.871 N. of Eolia, Prairieville Township. Green St. E. 0.25 miles from jct with US61 in Eolia, N. on CR D (Main St.) 1.0 miles, W. & curves N. on CR D 2.5 miles to the bridge on the E. side of the road at 21307.
25-83-01 Platte Noah's Ark Little Platte River 1 90' 1878 Gone Howe GONE Edgerton Township. Went out in flood July 1965 - salvaged and moved to Platte County fairgrounds at Tracy - near Platte City. Blown down in 1978 and not rebuilt.
25-83-A   Dye Store stream 1 40' c1920s Stringer N39 22.275 W94 48.305 W. of Tracy, Tracy Township. MO92 W. 0.75 miles from jct with MO273 (Belt St.) in Tracy to the bridge on the N. side of the road.
25-83-b   The National Rush Creek 1 ~70'   Stringer N39 12.742 W94 42.735 At The National Golf Club NW of Parkville, Kickapoo Township. Tom Watson Pkwy (MO45) W. 1.75 miles from jct with MO9 in Parkville, N. on Crooked Rd. 330yds, E. (right) on National Av. 170' to the bridge ahead. Private, ask permission.
25-86-A Putnam Bobby Jones ditch 1 50' 1997 Stringer N40 29.101 W92 46.028 W. of Livonia, Liberty Township. US136 W. 3.7 miles from jct with CR N on the S. side of Livonia to the bridge on the N. side of the road. Built by Bill Moore & Pat Morgan.
25-88-a Randolph Beuth Park pond 1 79' 1987 RR Car N39 24.595 W92 27.076 In Beuth Park in Moberly, South Sugar Creek Township. McKinsey St. (becomes Beuth St.) W. 0.9 miles from jct with US63.Bus (Morley St.) on the S. side of Moberly to the bridge on the N. side of the road.
25-90-a Reynolds Dejournett pond 1 24' x 8' 2012 Stringer new S. of Ellington on CR538. Total length is 87' & 5' off the ground. Built by owners Roy & Lula Dejournett, 392 County Road 538. (maybe N37 07.925 W90 57.137)
25-92-A #2 St. Charles Spencer Creek Spencer Creek 1 91 2016 Stringer N38 46.846 W90 35.282 In Spencer Creek Park in St. Peters. Mid Rivers Mall Dr. S. 0.8 miles from jct with I70 exit 222 on the N. side of St. Peters, E. on Mexico Rd. 1.1 miles, S. on Spencer Rd. 0.9 miles, E. on Sutters Mill Rd. 0.75 miles to the bridge. 2 lane w/covered sidewalk on each side, open sides. [Original 59', 1977, built by Roger Adams, rebuilt 2005.]
25-92-b   New Town pond inlet 1 16' 2006 Stringer N38 50.130 W90 29.525 N. of St. Charles, Rivers Township. MO370 N. (curves E.) 4.8 miles from jct with I70 exit 224 just W. of St. Charles, N. (Curves NE) on Elm 0.6 miles, continue NE on Airport Rd. 1.1 miles, SE (right) on New Town Dr. 0.2 miles, jog right around monument & continue SE on New Town Av. 0.25 miles, jog left then right then left & go around on Civic Cir, jog right on Rue Royale St. & left on Galt House Dr. 0.1 miles, left on Civic Green Dr. 100' to the bridge on the left side of the road.
25-92-c   Daniel Boone ditch 1 48' 2001 Queen N38 39.094 W90 51.341 At Daniel Boone Home & Village WNW of Defiance, Boone Township. MO94 N. 1.2 miles from jct with 5th St. in Defiance, W. on Hwy F 5.1 miles to the village on the S. side of the road. Bridge is behind everything. Built by Lindenwood College students from wood from an old barn.
25-92-(a   KNGS Wet weather area 1 8' x 4' 2011 Stringer N38 46.97 W90 35.53 In St. Peters. Mid Rivers Mall Dr. S. 0.8 miles from jct with I70 exit 222 on the N. side of St. Peters, E. on Mexico Rd. 1.1 miles, S. on Spencer Rd. 0.9 miles, E. on Sutters Mill Rd. 0.65 miles, N. (left) on River Boat Dr. 0.15 miles, W. (left) on Lost Dutchman Dr. 120', left on Spencer Path Dr. 0.1 miles to the bridge on the S. side of the road at 5.
25-94-a St. Francois MA MA Di ditch 1 12' 2004 Stringer N37 49.91 W90 31.87 In Park Hills, St. Francois Township. MO32 (Science St.) SW 1.4 miles from jct with Bus.US67 (Main St.) in Park Hills, E. on Elvins Blvd 0.25 miles, SW on Shaw St. 0.3 miles to the bridge on the W. side of the road at 406.
25-94-B   Gallaher Crossing branch Little St. Francis River 1 28' 2004 Stringer N37 41.084 W90 17.784 On Liberty Springs Farm E. of Knob Lick, Liberty Township. SR DD E. 5.1 miles from jct with US67 on the W. side of Knob Lick, S. on SR OO 1.0 miles to the farm on the W. side of the road. Bridge is SW of the house. Ask permission to visit.
25-94-c   Village Green creek 1 24' x 7' 2007 Stringer N37 49.273 W90 25.649 At The Village Green Subdivision N. of Farmington, St. Francois Township. SR D (Washington St.) N. 0.2 miles from jct with MO32 (Karsch Blvd) in Farmington, NW (left - curves N.) on Hillsboro Rd. 2.3 miles to the bridge on the E. side of the road.
25-94-d   Monroe Terrace creek 1 19' 1991 Stringer N37 51.805 W90 31.469 At Monroe Apartment Complex in Desloge. MO8 (Marty Dr.) W. 0.1 miles from jct with Bus.US67 in Desloge, N. on Monroe St. 150', E. into parking lot. Bridge is across from apt 720B.
25-95-a St. Louis Six Flags Over Missouri Miniature railroad 2 50' 1970 Stringer --GONE-- N38 30.78 W90 40.59 In Six Flags St. Louis W. of Eureka, Meramec Township. I44 exit 261 just W. of Eureka. Bridge at the Moon Antique Cars ride. Admission.
25-95-b   Grant's Farm Gravois Creek 1 67' 1978 Stringer --GONE-- N38 33.052 W90 21.219 At the entrance to Grant's Farm in Grantwood Village, Gravois Township. MO30 (Gravois Rd.) NE 3.1 miles from jct with I270 exit 3 on the SW corner of St. Louis, NW 0.4 miles to the bridge on the SW side of the road.
25-95-c   Keefer Creek stream 1 40' 1986 Stringer GONE Ellisville. W. of I270 on SR100, to SR340, S. on Keefer Creek Rd.
25-95-D     Fenton Creek 1   1988 Stringer GONE In Fenton. At MO141 & Smizer Mill Rd. (N38 30.949 W90 27.075)
25-95-e   Seibert Park Grand Glaize Creek 1 48' 1990 Stringer N38 35.568 W90 31.190 In Manchester. MO100 (Manchester Rd.) W. 4.0 miles from jct with I270 exit 9 on the SW corner of St. Louis to the bridge on the S. side of the road.
25-95-f     tributary of Grand Glaize Creek 1 32'   Stringer GONE In Queeny Park in Ballwin. (park at N38 36.721 W90 29.413) Removed about 2021.
25-95-G   Grant's Farm Tram Tributary of Gravois Creek 1 40' 2000 Stringer N38 32.762 W90 21.563 On the Tram route in Grant's Farm in Grantwood Village, Gravois Township. MO30 (Gravois Rd.) NE 3.1 miles from jct with I270 exit 3 on the SW corner of St. Louis, NW 0.4 miles to the Grant's Farm parking lot & take the Tram through the bridge. Admission.
25-95-H   Fox Hollow Tributary Fox Hollow Creek 1 22' 1973 Stringer N38 31.11 W90 43.59 NW of Allenton, Meramec Township. Allenton Rd. N. 350' from jct with I44 exit 261 in Allenton, W. (curves N.) on Fox Creek Rd. 2.2 miles, W. on Model Realty Rd. 0.1 miles, S. on Model Realty Rd. 0.25 miles, W. on Model Realty Rd. 0.3 miles, N. on Fox Mountain Rd. 0.3 miles, NW (curves N. & E.) on Fox Mountain Rd. 0.8 miles, N. on Fox Hollow Cir. to the bridge at 4606. Built by the owner Roger Hicks.
25-95-I   Seven Oaks creek 5 74' 2007 Stringer N38 34.218 W90 28.621 In Valley Park. Big Bend Rd. E. 1.3 miles from jct with MO141, N. (left) on Dougherty Ferry Rd. 0.1 miles, W. (left) into mall parking lot & proceed to the far NW corner. Bridge is 100 yds to the N. Built by York Bridge Concepts [www.ybc.com].
25-95-j   Metzger Gully 2 23' 1958 Stringer N38 51.417 W90 17.652 N. of Florissant, Spanish Lake Township. Patterson Rd. (becomes Vaile Av.) N. 4.5 miles from jct with US67 in Florissant, W. (left) on Old Jamestown Rd. 0.8 miles, N. (right) on Castle Dr. 0.3 miles to the bridge on the E. side of the road. Private.
25-95-K   Madisons Creek Bonhomme Creek 1 64'   Stringer N38 36.340 W90 40.150 NW of Wildwood, Chesterfield Township. MO100 W. 0.65 miles from jct with MO109 in Wildwood, N. (curves NW) on Pond Rd. 1.9 miles to the bridge on the SW (left) side of the road at 1518 up Madisons Creek Ln. 0.1 miles.
25-95-(a   Millennium Center walkway 3 350' 2001 Concrete & steel N38 42.67 W90 18.60 At the University of Missouri in Normandy. I270 S. 0.7 miles from jct with I70 exit 238 in Normandy, E. on MO115 (Natural Bridge Rd.) 1.5 miles, N. on University Dr. 0.1, E. (curves N.) on East Dr. 0.3 miles to the Millennium Center & bridge on the W. side of the road. Pedestrian walkway from the UMSL Millennium Center to Clark and Lucas Halls.
25-95-(b   Putt-Putt ditch 1 9' 1976 Stringer --GONE-- N38 48.900 W90 17.511 At North County Golf and Sports Center in Florissant. US67 NE 4.8 miles from jct with I270 exit 25, NW (left - curves SW) on the sports center entrance 0.15 miles to the sports center at 3555.
25-95-(c   Science Center Oakland Av. & I64 2 220' 1983 Concrete & steel N38 37.788 W90 16.232 In St. Louis. Kingshighway Blvd S. 0.2 miles from jct with I64 exit 36 in St. Louis, W. on Oakland Av. 0.3 miles to the bridge overhead. Connects the Science Center with the Planetarium.
25-95-(d   Boeing James McDonnell Blvd 5 410'   Concrete & steel N38 45.258 W90 20.920 In Hazelwood. Airport Rd. W. 0.5 miles from jct with I170 exit 9A, N. on J.S. McDonnell blvd 0.35 miles to the bridge over head.
25-95-(e   Goodfellow Blvd Goodfellow Blvd 2 120' 1942 Concrete & steel N38 41.519 W90 16.129 In St. Louis. Goodfellow Blvd S. 0.65 miles from jct with I70 exit 243 to the bridge overhead.
25-96-A Ste. Genevieve Sumski creek 1 26' 2005 Stringer N37 50.207 W90 21.574 NE of Farmington (St. Francois County), Union Township. Washington St. N. 0.5 miles from jct with MO32 (Karsch Blvd.) in Farmington, E. on Burks Rd. (SR EE) 0.6 miles, continue NE on SR EE 4.4 miles to the bridge on the E. side of the road. Designed & built by Dennis Sumski.
25-96-b   Laplant creek 1 15' 1995 Stringer N37 58.954 W90 17.176 SW of Bloomsdale, Jackson Township. SR Y SW 4.4 miles from jct with I55 exit 157 in Bloomsdale to the bridge on the SE side of the road at 9146. Built by Gary Laplant.
25-103-a Stoddard Amos Stoddard creek 1 40' 1982 Stringer N36 52.643 W89 55.867 In Bloomfield City Park S. of Bloomfield, Castor Township. Bloomfield Av. W. 0.25 miles from jct with MO25 on the SE side of Bloomfield, S. on Prairie St. 0.3 miles, W. into the park on Crowley Ridge Dr. 100 yds. Bridge is to the N.
25-104-A Stone Stone Bridge Village gully 1 40' 1995 Stringer N36 41.345 W93 20.470 SE of Branson West, Ruth C Township. MO76/265 SE 1.7 miles from jct with MO13 just S. of Branson West, NW (left) on Stone Bridge Pkwy 200' to the bridge.
25-104-B   Stormy Point Village gully 4 44' 2007 Stringer N36 38.317 W93 19.175 In Stormy Point Village WNW of Table Rock (Taney County), Ruth C Rural Township. MO265 N. 2.6 miles from jct with MO165 just W. of Table Rock, SW (left - curves W.) on Stormy Point Rd. 0.6 miles, N. on Patterson Av. 0.2 miles, E. 350' to the bridge.
25-104-C   Long Pine Crossing Little Indian Creek 1 80' 1992 MKP N36 31.566 W93 27.463 In Dogwood Canyon Nature Park SW of Lampe. MO13 S. 2.7 miles from jct with SR H in Lampe, SW on MO86 2.3 miles to the park entrance on the S. side of the road at 2038. Admission. Bridge is 0.4 miles S. of the general store. Built by Daniel Schwartz.
25-104-d   Giant Swing   1   2007 Stringer N36 40.206 W93 20.418 At The Great Barn at Wilson's Farm in Silver Dollar City NNW of Table Rock (Taney County), Ruth C Rural Township. MO265 N. 5.7 miles from jct with MO165 just W. of Table Rock, SW (left) on MO76/265 0.6 miles, S. (left) on Indian Point Rd. 0.6 miles to Silver Dollar City entrance on the W. side of the road. Admission.
25-104-(a   Eppic pond inlet 1 8' 2005 Stringer N36 44.354 W93 25.624 WSW of Reeds Spring, Ruth A Township. MO76 W. (curves N.) 2.7 miles from jct with MO265/413 S. of Reeds Spring to the bridge on the E. side of the road at 2725. Built by Jack Eppic.
25-104-(B   Port Holiday dry land N/A 54' 1968 N/A N36 37.815 W93 25.483 In Kimberling City. MO13 S. 0.3 miles from jct with Lakeview Dr. in Kimberling City, W. (right) on Port Holiday Ln. 0.3 miles to the bridge.
25-106-a Taney Lost Mine brook 2 36' 1987 Stringer GONE N. side of SR76 at 2719.
25-106-b   Old Trail   1   199? Stringer GONE Branson Township. At Mutton Hollow Dinner Theatre. Admission.
25-106-c               MOVED See 25-106-(b. # cannot be used again.
25-106-D   Devil's Pool gully 4 ~90'   Howe N36 32.045 W93 16.407 At Big Cedar Lodge NW of Ridgedale, Oliver Township. US65 N. 2.4 miles from jct with Rochester Rd. in Ridgedale, W. on MO86 0.6 miles, N. (curves W.) on Devils Pool Rd. 1.5 miles, N. (right) on Ravine Dr. 200' to the bridge.
25-106-E   Asselin stream 3 48' x 14'   Stringer N36 47.368 W93 11.964 N. of Walnut Shade, Jasper Township. US160 W. 4.3 miles from jct with MO176 in Walnut Shade, N. on US65 3.0 miles, E. on OH176 1.45 miles, N. (curves E.) on Goodnight Hollow Rd. 0.75 miles to the bridge on the N. side of the road.
25-106-f   Lost Canyon Lost Canyon 4 140' 2017 Howe N36 31.854 W93 15.216 At Top of the Rock NW of Ridgedale, Oliver Township. US65 N. 2.4 miles from jct with Rochester Rd. in Ridgedale, W. on MO86 0.15 miles, N. on Top of the Rock Rd. 200', E. (curves N. on Ridgedale Rd. 0.3 miles to the welcome center on the W. side of the road. $10 to park & take $28 golf cart tour to view the bridges.
25-106-g   Amish gully 1 48' 2017 MKP N36 32.131 W93 14.975 Same as 25-106-f.
25-106-(A   Branson Cedars Resort dry land N/A 41' 2011 N/A N36 31.229 W93 15.699 At Branson Cedars Resort NW of Ridgedale, Oliver Township. US65 N. 2.4 miles from jct with Rochester Rd. in Ridgedale, W. on MO86 1.2 miles, S. on Jones Rd. 250', E. on Freund Rd. 50' to the bridge.
25-106-(b   Kids Kountry Train dry land 1 13' 1988 Stringer N36 38.466 W93 15.932 At Kid's Kountry in Branson. MO76 (Main St.) W. 2.4 miles from jct with US65 in Branson to the bridge on the N. side of the road at 2435.
25-107-A Texas Bo's Hollow ditch 1 14' c2000 Stringer N37 25.357 W91 41.078 S. of Montauk State Park NE of Raymondville, Jackson Township. MO137 N. 9.6 miles from jct with Oak St. in Raymondville, E. on CR VV 9.5 miles, continue E. on CR667 0.2 miles, S. on CR663 1.7 miles to the bridge on the W. side of the road at Bos Hollow Ln. [www.bohollow.com] Built by Bracy, David, & Dale Borel.
25-109-a Warren Holiday Ranch Estates brook 1 18' 1964 Stringer GONE twp = Marthasville. 5 ½ miles east of village
25-109-B   Eric Sloane Clara's Cove 1 22' 1975 Stringer N38 40.029 W91 04.280 In Luxenhaus Farm N. of Marthasville, Charrette Township. SR O N. 2.2 miles from jct with MO47 just NW of Marthasville to Luxenhaus Farm at 5437.
25-109-(A   Deutch Country Days dry land N/A 14' 1986 N/A N38 40.015 W91 04.251 Same as 25-108-B. This is the first bridge you see when entering the Luxenhaus Farm.
25-109-(B   Rope dry land N/A 22' 2000 N/A N38 40.05 W91 04.32 Same as 25-108-B.
25-109-(C   Wagonshed dry land N/A 17' 1980 N/A N38 40.03 W91 04.34 Same as 25-108-B.
25-110-A Washington Orphins pond spillway 1 26' 1992 Stringer N37 45.235 W90 41.736 E. of Caledonia, Bellevue Township. MO32 E. 4.8 miles from jct with MO21 in Caledonia to the bridge on the S. side of the road at 14808.
25-110-B   Thornton Cub Creek 1 55' 2005 Stringer N37 46.779 W91 02.864 NE of Viburnum, Harmony Township. SR Y N. (turns E.) 4.9 miles from jct with MO49 in Viburnum, continue E. on SR C 4.0 miles to the bridge on the N. side of the road at 28482. Built on an old railroad car frame that he bought at an auction for $5,000.
25-110-c   Rigel creek 1 21'   Stringer N37 45.945 W90 45.953 E. of Caledonia, Bellevue Township. MO32 E. 0.35 miles from jct with MO21 in Caledonia to the bridge on the N. side of the road at 10417.
25-111-A Wayne Eagle Sky Clark Creek       Stringer concrete deck N37 12.099 W90 35.523 W. of Patterson. MO34 W. 2.4 miles from jct with SR FF in Paterson, N. on Eagle Sky Dr. 0.2 miles to guard shack. Ask permission to continue to the bridge.