(Welcome) at Peoples Bank 201 Main St. (N37 58.078 W91 21.361) |
(Paddle for Peace) at Peoples Bank 201 Main St. (N37 58.079 W91 21.358) |
(Summer Fun at Eagle Hurst) at the NE corner of Main & Brickey Sts. (N37 58.086 W91 21.320) |
(Animals) at 107 W Main St. (N37 58.087 W91 21.314) |
(Cardinal) at 103 W Main St. (N37 58.091 W91 21.299) |
(From Mountain to Cup) on the N. side of Main St. ½ block W. of Pine St. (N37 58.101 W91 21.263) |
(Missouri Hick BBQ) at the SW corner of Main & Pine Sts. (N37 58.094 W91 21.245) |
(Trail of Tears) at the SW corner of Main & 1st Sts. (N37 58.083 W91 21.294) |
(Honoring Indigenous Ancestors) on the S. side of Main St. 150 W. of 2nd St. (N37 58.057 W91 21.385) |
(Watermelon) at the SE corner of Main & 3rd Sts. (N37 58.034 W91 21.474) |
(Sun / Bird / Airplane) at the SE corner of Main & 3rd Sts. (N37 58.026 W91 21.501) |
(Lets Tailgate) on the S. side of Main St. ½ block W. of 3rd St. (N37 58.013 W91 21.549) |
(Up the Creek w/o A Paddle) on the N. side of Main St. 1/3 block W. of 3rd St. (N37 58.028 W91 21.541) |
(Stream Dreamin) at the SE corner of Euclid Av. & Main St. (N37 58.014 W91 21.659) |
(Dam Falls) on the N. side of Main St. 1/3 block W. of Spring St. (N37 58.006 W91 21.630) |
(Thank You Troops) on the W. side of Main St. 100 S. of Eculid Av. (N37 58.008 W91 21.673) |
(Blue Moon) at the NW corner of Euclid Av. & Main St. (N37 58.030 W91 21.693) |
(The Beginning) on the W. side of Main St. 200 N. of Euclid Av. (N37 58.058 W91 21.699) |
(Steelville Preschool) on the E. side of Main St. 200 N. of Euclid Av. (N37 58.065 W91 21.688) |
(Steelville High School 1964) on the W. side of Main St. 100 yds N. of Euclid Av. (N37 58.086 W91 21.719) |
(Steelville Canoes) in Steelville, Crawford County, MO. Photos by Jack & June Schmidt 5-30-12. |