Sculpture Park Carvings

Lovers Tall Woman Indian Face Cross KC Chiefs
Spider Pumpkin Banjo Bear Fishes
Fingers Heart Mouth Buddha Big Heart
Dog Pencil Owl Totem Pole #1 Dinosaur
Fish Screamer Canoe Snake Eating Snake Love
Spine Dice Scissors & Paper Totem Pole #2 Sunflower
Totem Pole #3 Soup Cans Red Cross Spool & Needle Knight
Banana Eagle Angel Screw Boot
Cowboy Woman & Baby Goldilocks Puppet Entrance
(Sculpture Park Carvings) in Coffeyville, Montgomery County, KS. US166 (11th St.) W. 0.45 miles from jct with US169 (Walnut St.), N. on Beech St. 0.2 miles (3 blocks) E. on 8th St. 100’ to the park on the S. side of the road. (N37 02.164 W95 37.419) Photos by Jack Schmidt 5-19-09.