(Totem Pole) NW of New Centerville, Middlecreek Township, Somerset County, PA. PA281/653 W. 2.8 miles from jct with PA653 (Bridge St.) in New Centerville, continue W. on PA653 300’, N. on Fresh Rd. 1.2 miles, NW (left) on Moore (becomes Klink Hollow) Rd. 1.1 miles, N. (right) on Baron Church Rd. 250’, E. (right) on Ream Rd. 400’, N. on Baron Church Rd. 0.15 miles to the carving on the E. side of the road at 802. (N39 57.90 W79 14.83) Photos by Jack Schmidt 7-24-06.
Note the covered bridge carved in the stone.